Sword of Rage: Reigning Kingdoms, Book 1 Read online

Page 22

  Toward the front of the barn, Ackley pushed a few farming tools out of the way, making a space large enough for them to sit comfortably.

  “If we keep the doors open, we can have a fire here,” Ledger said.

  Ackley eyed the hay and half rotten wood all around them.

  “Never mind,” Ledger mumbled. “I’ll make a fire outside and cook the food there.”

  “Good idea,” Ackley replied, patting the man on his back. “I suggest you get to it.”

  Once Ledger exited, Ackley closed the doors, trying to keep the cold air out even though it was futile.

  “There’s a loft in the back.” Harley pointed up behind them.

  “The ladder looks somewhat questionable.” Several of the rungs were missing.

  Harley shrugged. “Want to go up?”

  “Sure.” They had nothing else to do until it was time to eat. As Ackley climbed the ladder, the entire thing shook. Most of the rungs bowed under his weight. At the top, he observed the area. There were a few bales of hay and a couple blankets. There was enough room for him to move around, though he couldn’t stand up straight without hitting his head. The flooring looked solid—no holes that he could see.

  Harley yelped.

  Ackley peered down in time to see a rat running by her feet. He descended the ladder.

  “I’m sleeping on my horse tonight,” she hissed. “There’s no way I’m going to be where a rat can crawl on me.”

  He chuckled. “Or, you can sleep up there.” He pointed at the loft. “There are even blankets. It looks safe enough.” Not that a rat couldn’t crawl up there, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “Then that’s where I’ll be.”

  The barn doors slid open, revealing Gytha. “Time to eat.”

  Outside, Ledger and Gytha sat by the fire. Harley and Ackley joined them. Ledger cut the cooked rabbit meat, handing each of them a plateful. The sky had turned dark, hundreds of stars dotting the night.

  Ackley had been waiting for Gytha to tell him what was going on. As they ate in silence, anxiety started to take root. Unable to handle it, he set his plate aside. “Tell me why the two of you are here.”

  Ledger glanced at Gytha.

  “Something happened,” Gytha announced.

  Ackley rolled his eyes. “Get to the point.”

  “Shortly after the two of you left, a messenger from the royal castle arrived.”

  “A messenger just rode right up to Owen?” he asked in disbelief.

  Gytha sighed. “Well, no. He rode into our camp. Apparently, the traitorous king got wind that the army had returned, so he sent a messenger.”

  Ackley rubbed his forehead, knowing he wasn’t going to like whatever Gytha said. “Continue.”

  “He had a letter for Commander Beck. When we informed him the commander was no longer with us, he asked to speak to whomever was in charge.”

  “He didn’t want to speak to Owen?” Ackley asked.

  “Correct. When Owen stepped forward, the messenger seemed confused.” Gytha glanced at Ledger. However, he shook his head, so she continued. “He handed over the letter. It said that the king has a list of every soldier from Melenia who made the journey to Marsden. It also said that each soldier’s wife and children are being held in an undisclosed location. Once the soldiers return to the castle and swear fealty to the new king, he will reunite them with their loved ones.”

  A smart move to ensure loyalty. “Who is claiming to be king?”

  “The messenger didn’t give a name,” Ledger said around a mouthful of food.

  “And did the message explicitly state what happens should the soldiers not return to the castle and swear fealty?” Ackley inquired.

  “He said the soldiers would find their loved ones’ heads on spikes,” Gytha answered.

  Ackley had several possible plans running through his head. “And the two of you,” he looked from Gytha to Ledger, “came here to find Harley and me simply to tell us this information?” While the news was important, it didn’t warrant them coming all this way.

  Gytha fumbled with the hilt of her dagger. “There’s more.” She wouldn’t meet Ackley’s eyes.

  He had to force his temper to remain in check. “Just tell me and get it over with.”

  Gytha’s shoulders rose and fell. “Fine.” She took another deep breath. “Please don’t kill me. I’m only the messenger.”

  Harley reached over and clutched Ackley’s hand. The simple gesture helped him remain sitting there by the fire, across from Gytha, and not jumping up and strangling Ledger. Not that any of this was Ledger’s fault. He just didn’t care for him.

  Gytha’s attention went to Ackley and Harley’s clasped hands. Her brows drew together slightly, then she shook her head. “As I was saying. I’m only doing my job. Owen ordered all Melenia soldiers to proceed to the castle without him. They are to swear loyalty to the new king and get their loved ones back.”

  Ackley refrained from saying anything. He waved his hand, gesturing for her to continue. Because there had to be more to it than that.

  “He ordered all Marsden soldiers to head south. You are to join with your men as soon as possible. Once you reach Kricok, you’re to ask for an audience with Empress Rema. Owen wants you to let her know you seek temporary asylum. Then, once Owen is ready, he’ll contact you.”

  Once Owen was organized and the soldiers had their loved ones somewhere safe, Ackley assumed he would rejoin Owen to help him retake the throne. “I’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning to meet up with my sister and the Marsden soldiers. I assume you’ll be going with me, Gytha?”

  “Yes. But…”

  “But what?” he said.

  Harley squeezed his hand harder.

  “Your sister didn’t go south with the Marsden soldiers.”

  “I’m not sure remaining with Owen is a wise move,” he replied. “Why didn’t you stay with her? I gave you explicit instructions.”

  “That’s the other part I need to tell you.” Gytha continued fidgeting with the hilt of her dagger. “I am not protecting Princess Idina any longer.”

  Everything suddenly went silent around Ackley as he processed the information. “Why?” The word sounded loud, demanding.

  “Owen and Idina married,” Ledger said.

  Ackley blinked. Once. Twice.

  “Idina thought it best for them to marry,” Gytha explained. “That way she could stay with Owen and help him.”

  That was something his sister would do. But he’d missed her wedding. And she’d married a man with a target on his head, thus putting her in even more danger. If word got out, she would be the perfect person to kidnap to get to Owen. He rubbed his forehead with his free hand. “Where are they going to go? And who is with them?”

  “They are going to Kreng. He took six of his most proficient men.”

  Only six men to protect Owen and Idina. Ackley’s headache worsened.

  “There are soldiers in Kreng,” Harley said. “He is probably going there to try and rally them.”

  Ackley tried to look at the situation objectively. He tilted his head to the right, cracking his neck. He wanted to immediately rush out of there and seek Idina. He knew he could ensure her safety. The problem was, as a Marsden prince, he was responsible for the Marsden soldiers. But his sister was his family. He couldn’t choose between duty and family.

  “What about me?” Harley asked. “Am I going to meet up with Owen?”

  His first reaction was to say no, that Harley would remain with him. However, it wasn’t his place.

  “Yes,” Ledger answered. “I’ll escort you to Penlar,” Ledger said. “Owen and Idina will meet you there. Then you’ll travel to Kreng together.”

  “Owen doesn’t even know if Penlar is still standing,” Ackley pointed out.

  “He said it didn’t matter. He just needed a spot for us to meet.”

  Ackley wasn’t keen on the idea, especially since his run-in with those soldiers there.

�ll ensure she makes it safely to her cousin,” Ledger insisted.

  The idea of Harley traveling alone with Ledger grated on Ackley’s nerves. But he knew he shouldn’t object.

  Harley released his hand. “I’m tired,” she announced, eyeing the barn wearily.

  “We should sleep so we can leave at first light,” Gytha said. “Ledger, if you can take the first watch, I’ll take the second, Ackley the third.” Both men agreed.

  Ackley stood, pulling Harley up alongside him. “I’ll walk you to the loft.” Turning to Gytha he said, “I made room for us right inside the door.”

  “I’m going to do a perimeter run for Ledger and then I’ll be in.”

  Ackley led Harley to the barn. Earlier, he’d spotted a lantern just inside the door. He found and lit it.

  “In Kreng, I was working at the inn so I wouldn’t have to sleep in the barn with the animals.”

  Ackley chuckled. “At least there’re only horses in here.”

  “It’s still a barn and horses are animals.”

  At the bottom of the ladder, he held the light out so Harley could see as she climbed up. Once she reached the top, he couldn’t see her in the darkness. “Do you want me to bring the lantern up to you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He looped the handle over his arm then climbed to the top, praying the ladder didn’t slip and he didn’t light the entire barn on fire. When he reached the top, he pushed the lantern toward Harley.

  She grabbed it, dragging it closer to her. “Thank you.” She glanced at him, her brow furrowing.

  Something in his chest tightened. “Do you want to talk?” Gytha and Ledger had revealed quite a bit of information, and Harley had barely said two words. “I can be a friend if you need one.”

  She bit her bottom lip, then scooted back. “If I wanted a friend, I’d seek Ledger or Gytha out.”

  The comment stung.

  “I don’t think you fit the definition of a friend,” she revealed.

  Ackley took a deep breath, figuring she only thought of him as an assassin or prince, not as a person. Not as a friend. “Of course. Well, if you need anything, I’ll be right down there near the door.” He started to descend the ladder.

  “Wait.” She reached out, as if to grab him. “Let me explain what I mean. Please, join me for a minute.”

  His body moved of its own accord. The next thing he knew, he was sitting beside her, his leg brushing hers.

  Her lips curved into a small grin. It was enough to bring a smile to his face.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you are less than a friend.”

  He had no idea what to say to that.

  “I don’t have a lot of friends, so maybe I’m bad at this.” She sighed. “It’s just that I consider you…as something more.”

  More? Had he heard her correctly?

  “We’ve traveled across the kingdom,” she explained. “We’ve pretended to be married and, well, I don’t know. You just seem to be more than a friend to me.”

  He turned so his body faced hers, allowing him to look into her beautiful eyes. “I wasn’t sure you even liked me.”

  Her focus went to her hands, playing with the hem of her cloak. “I wasn’t sure I liked you, either. Until I got to know you better. I’m sad we’ll be parting ways tomorrow.”

  So was he, but he didn’t know how to say that. This beautiful woman sitting before him was stronger than any woman he’d ever met, but he couldn’t tell her that. He didn’t know how to bring up what he’d discovered at her house. The type of man Lyle had been. A ruthless soldier who took what he wanted. Including Harley. What she’d been through and experienced with Lyle had to be atrocious. Ackley didn’t know how she was sitting there before him with a smile. It had to take a tremendous amount of strength to get through a marriage like that—which made her perfect for one of his plans. But he’d think on that later. Right now, the desire to reach out and touch her face overwhelmed him. He wanted to show her what real love was. He wanted to show her that he could be gentle and caring. She deserved a man who treated her well. He could be that man.

  His eyes widened and his head jerked back, unable to believe that he’d just had those thoughts.

  “Is something the matter?” she asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  He shook his head, dumbfounded that he was falling for this beautiful woman before him. She wasn’t his type. In fact, she was the opposite of his type. She couldn’t even lift a sword.

  But strength came in different forms.

  And Harley was strong. She was a fighter. Just not the kind he was used to. But somehow, someway, just the sort he needed.


  Harley couldn’t figure out why Ackley had that strange look on his face. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I’m fine,” he replied, his voice hoarse.

  She bit her bottom lip, noticing his potent eyes. An intense yearning filled her. She wanted to know what it felt like to touch his face, to taste his lips against hers, to have his strong hands on her back. No other man had ever sparked such desire in her.

  “I should go.” His leg brushed hers.

  “Stay.” Horror filled her that she’d just blurted that out loud. While she wanted him to stay, she didn’t want him to think her desperate.

  “As a friend?” he asked, his piercing eyes making her feel naked before him. He reached over, taking hold of her hand, lightly touching each of her fingers.

  She had no idea how to answer that since she was still sorting through her own feelings on the matter. “Can I ask you a question?” she whispered, focusing on their joined hands.


  “Will you answer honestly?” She peered at his face. The intensity in his eyes made her shiver from head to toe.

  “I will on one condition. I get to ask you a question, and you must answer honestly as well.”

  “Deal.” Perhaps his question would reveal his feelings for her—if he had any.

  “You go first,” he whispered, his soft voice like the lick of a flame at night.

  Here, in the loft, the only light came from the lantern next to them, casting the rest of the barn in darkness. “I want to know what you’re thinking right now.” She glanced at their joined hands again, afraid to hear his answer. Afraid to meet his piercing gaze that saw too much. That understood too much.

  “I have to be honest?” He squeezed her hand.

  “Yes.” The word come out all breathy. Waiting for his answer, her entire body tingled with anticipation.

  “I very much want to kiss you.”

  She froze, unable to believe he’d said that. She licked her lips and looked into his eyes, a sea of emotions swirling inside them. He was staring at her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. Almost as if he wanted her the same way she wanted him.

  “Now I’ll ask my question.” He scooted a touch closer, their thighs touching. “Can I kiss you?”

  Harley looked at his lips, wondering if she could handle one kiss or if it would leave her greedy for more. She licked her lips again. It would be worth it. A single kiss. She nodded, unable to form a word with him staring at her with hooded eyes.

  His face softened, making him appear younger, more innocent somehow. Letting go of her hand, he reached forward, sliding his fingers against her cheek. Her entire body tingled at his touch. His thumb brushed over her lips and she sucked in a breath, not expecting a smoldering fire to flare to life inside of her. He tilted his head, leaning in closer, hovering mere inches from her. Unable to take the anticipation, she shifted forward and kissed him. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of this man before her.

  Then he moved his lips over hers, gently caressing her. She parted her lips, inviting him in. His tongue cautiously slid into her mouth. Her hands clutched his hair, holding his head in place as she moved her lips along with his. She shuddered as his mouth slid down the column of her throat, touching her like she’d never been touched before
. The heat and power of Ackley overwhelmed her.

  His hands slid to her back, pulling her body closer to his. She straddled him, cursing that she had pants on instead of a dress. She pressed her body against his, feeling the hardness in his pants. She wanted him. All of him.

  Taking hold of Ackley’s face, she kissed him again, this time trying to express what she felt. What she desired. Not missing a beat, he scooped her up, laying her on her back, his body on top of hers. She reveled in the feel of him on her.

  He pulled back, gazing down at her. “What are we doing?”

  An excellent question. “Enjoying each other’s company,” she replied, her voice airy.

  “It’s good to see you smile.”

  “If you want me to keep smiling,” she teased, “then kiss me again.”

  He hesitated. “I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.”

  “The only thing I’ll regret is if this doesn’t happen.” She reached up, pulling his head down toward hers.

  “You’re certain?”

  She was. “Do you not want this?”

  His body shook as he chuckled. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  “I feel the same way.” She didn’t have to say it a second time. His lips devoured hers. Savoring every moment, she was in no hurry to rush this along. Her legs tangled with his. His hands slid up her sides, pulling her shirt off. His fingers trailed over her bare skin, making her shiver. Wanting to feel him, she lifted his tunic up over his head. In the faint light, she saw several scars from swords, a testament to his profession.

  His lips slid down her neck, her shoulder, and to other parts of her.

  Once would never be enough with this man. Somehow, she’d fallen for this assassin-prince.

  Harley peeled her eyelids open. A beam of sunlight cut through two of the boards on the side of the barn. Smiling, she stretched and rolled over. Ackley lie stretched out beside her, asleep. A blanket covered him from his naval to his knees. Resting her head on her arm, she admired the lean cut of his muscles. His face was smooth, youthful, innocent, and…happy. She couldn’t help but smile. Last night had been perfect. Everything she hoped it could be with the right person.